Find and Replace Expressions
Finds and replaces strings in expressions on selected layers or properties or across the entire project
  • Find: initiate a search within your project for a specific item
  • Replace: substitute the found item with another one of your choosing
  • Scope: define the range of your search and replacement operation, which can include:
    • Selected Properties: only the properties you have specifically chosen will be affected
    • Selected Layers: action will only take place within the layers you have selected
    • Selected Comps: compositions you have highlighted will be the only ones impacted
    • The Entire Project: search and replace operation will span across your entire project
    • All expressions: all expressions, regardless of their state, will be considered
    • Enabled Expressions: only the expressions that are currently active will be taken into account
    • Disabled Expressions: operation will only focus on expressions that are currently inactive
    • Expression with Errors: action will specifically target expressions that contain errors
  • Match Case: determine if your search is case sensitive. If this option is checked, 'Find' will differentiate between uppercase and lowercase letters

How to use
  • 1
    Input the string you want to find in the 'Find' field
  • 2
    Enter the string you want to replace it with in the 'Replace' field
  • 3
    Specify the scope of your operation
  • 4
    Click 'Replace All' to execute the operation