Rectangle Wizard
Creates and sets up a rectangle shape object with the option to add an expression controls
  • W: specifies the width of the rectangle
  • H: specifies the height of the rectangle
  • Lock Dimension: locks the rectangle's width and height
  • Match Comp Size: adjusts the circle's size to match that of the composition
  • Anchor Points: sets the point where the rectangle will be anchored
  • Fill: determines the fill color of the rectangle
  • Stroke: determines the stroke color and thickness of the rectangle's border
  • Add Dynamic Controller: enables the addition of dynamic controls to the rectangle shape

How to use
  • 1
    Select the Rectangle Wizard tool from the toolbar
  • 2
    Adjust the options as per your needs
  • 3
    Click on 'Create' to generate the rectangle
  • 4
    Further modify the shape using the dynamic controls if enabled


To set the anchor point of the rectangle, choose one of the available points from the panel.